Directions to the Fur and Feather Works Dog Training Center

The address of the Fur and Feather Works Dog Training Center is:

9475 Double R Blvd, Suite B-12

Your favorite navigation app or Google maps will give you good directions based on this address, but we’ve provided directions and a map below if you prefer!

From Highway 580 (formerly 395):

  1. Take exit 28 onto South Meadows Pkwy.
  2. Turn East onto South Meadows Pkwy, toward Double R Blvd. You’ll be turning toward Wells Fargo Bank.
  3. Turn left (North) onto Double R Blvd (the second signal).
  4. After about a half mile on Double R, just past Sandhill Rd., look for a light-mustard-colored commercial strip mall on your left, with bluish mirrored panels above the doors. This is our strip mall – 9475 Double R Blvd. At night you can see the Farmer’s Insurance and Red Light Method logos lit up.
  5. Just after crossing Sandhill, turn left into the parking lot, and immediately left again to travel along the building through the parking lot.
  6. Continue through the parking lot – the training center is on your right, unit 12, smack in the middle of the strip mall. Look for the unit number and our logo on the door. We’re between Engage Fitness and Red Light Method.

A map of the South Meadows/Double R Area:

Map to Fur and Feather Works, including photo of the strip mall our training center is located in.



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