The Golden Rule of Animal Training

The Golden Rule of animal training: Don’t ever, ever call your pet to you (or ask your bird to step up), then do something they don’t like.  Animals are not stupid; they learn by association and consequences, and if there is an unwanted consequence for coming to you, they will be reluctant to do it […]

4 Tips for Introducing a New Pet

Trying to introduce another dog, cat, rabbit, or bird to your resident animals?  Avoid disaster and lots of stress down the road by following these simple rules. Go slow. If you feel like you’re going too slowly, then slow down.   The goal is that by the time the animals meet each other, they are so […]

Cognitive Disorders in Dogs

Normal cognitive decline or something else? It happens to all of us: as we age, our brains move a little slower, we take a little longer to solve problems, and it takes a little more effort to absorb new information.  It’s not that intelligence or problem solving capacity has decreased at all, it’s just that […]

What’s the difference between reinforcement and bribery in training?

What’s the difference between reinforcement and bribery? This comes up in training sessions ALL the time, usually brought up by someone who has been told by a well-meaning friend or professional that they are one and the same, and are now afraid that by using positive reinforcement to train they are going to “spoil” their […]

Parrot Screaming

Help, my parrot is screaming! Excessive vocalization is one of the most common complaints parrot guardians have.  Unfortunately for our ears (and our neighbors!), even happy, healthy parrots can be very loud.  Screaming seems to be self-reinforcing for many pet parrots – it seems to feel good, or be fun.  Wondering whether the level of […]