Why adopt from a shelter, and how to do it right

The Nevada Humane Society has announced that it desperately needs dog adopters, as they’re at 90% capacity. Here are some things to consider! Why adopt from a shelter? Because you can save a life. Well, two, actually. When you bring home a dog or cat from a shelter, you are actually saving two animals: the […]

Cool Activities for Hot Days

With toxic blue-green algae growing in many of our favorite doggy swimming holes like Washoe Lake and smaller pools around Lake Tahoe, avoiding standing water this summer is probably a good plan. But, what are you supposed to do to entertain and tire out your dog if it’s too dang hot to play outside? Teach a new […]

Kids and Dogs – Setting Everyone up for Success

The relationship between kids and dogs isn’t always as easy as it seems! Written by Ericka Kinsey, M.Ed., CPDT-KA, Family Paws Parent Educator Your child and your dog: Lassie Goals Most of us have visions of our children happily romping in the backyard with a loving dog, one who follows them around and spends the […]

COVID-19: Our actions

UPDATED: March 29, 2022 As Nevada adapts to living with COVID-19, here are our policies and sanitation protocols. We hope you feel confident coming to classes and referring others to us! If you have any questions, please ask us! On Thursday February 10, 2022, Governor Sisolak lifted the universal mask mandate for Nevada. This means […]

Canine Influenza – our actions

Canine Influenza has reached the Truckee Meadows. Here are our changes in policy and sanitation protocols. We hope you will continue to feel confident coming to classes and referring others to us! Cleaning and sanitation Increased disinfection of trouble spots.  We have always cleaned the training center and mopped the floor once a week (before […]

The Golden Rule of Animal Training

The Golden Rule of animal training: Don’t ever, ever call your pet to you (or ask your bird to step up), then do something they don’t like.  Animals are not stupid; they learn by association and consequences, and if there is an unwanted consequence for coming to you, they will be reluctant to do it […]

Puppy Socialization

Puppy Socialization: What it means and how to do it right It’s not just a buzz word!  Socialization simply means “learning to live in a society.”  For dogs, this means learning to live in a human society, which takes some active effort on our part.  Most young social animals are very receptive to new experiences, […]

4 Tips for Introducing a New Pet

Trying to introduce another dog, cat, rabbit, or bird to your resident animals?  Avoid disaster and lots of stress down the road by following these simple rules. Go slow. If you feel like you’re going too slowly, then slow down.   The goal is that by the time the animals meet each other, they are so […]

The Lassie Package

A bundle of Puppy Kindergarten, Basic Manners, and two 3-week Field Trip classes to take your new dog from puppyhood to adulthood with excellent socialization and manners. It’s the equivalent of kindergarten through high school for your dog! This package is ideal for people who want a well-behaved, friendly, easy-to-train partner for years to come.  […]

In Defense of Small Dogs

In our line of work, we hear debasing comments about small dogs all the time.  They have a reputation of being “yappy,” “ankle biters,” and difficult to train. If you’re looking for agreement from a dog trainer, you’re talking to the wrong ones.  We love small dogs.  Many of us have small dogs, and they’re […]