ONLINE Understanding Your Reactive Dog Workshop, August 2023

The most common problem we address through private training is dogs who have become “reactive” – usually to other dogs, but sometimes towards people as well. A reactive dog is one who kind of “loses it” when he sees the thing that triggers him. He might start whining or barking, lunging towards the other dog, […]

Walking Politely On Leash is Harder Than You Think

Walking calmly and politely on leash (aka: NOT pulling) is one of the most common skills pet parents want their dogs to learn. Unfortunately, it can also be one of the most difficult, especially for an exuberant young dog. This ISN’T because your dog is trying to defy or disrespect you, and it isn’t because […]

Control Yourself! A Workshop for Impulsive Pooches

Is your dog’s enthusiasm for life a bit – er – much sometimes? If your pooch’s leaping around on leash, jumping up, grabbing things, and door dashing have become more of an embarrassment than comedic relief, this fun one-hour workshop is for you! *Please note that this workshop is not appropriate for dogs who growl, […]

Dog Gear Swap Meet!

Are you a dog gear hoarder who has ended up with a whole bunch of stuff you never use? Wondering where all these collars came from? Or maybe you make dog toys or treats in your spare time? Well, boy do we have an idea for you! Fur and Feather Works is hosting a Dog […]

The Myth of The Wagging Tail

If a dog is is wagging his tail, it means he’s happy, right? If another dog is wagging his tail at your dog, he’s friendly, right? This is “conventional wisdom,  – weren’t we all taught this as kids? And it’s also wrong. When we do private training sessions, it’s common for mystified  clients to tell us […]

Start Puppy Training Right Away!

Have you ever heard you can’t start training a puppy until they’re six months old? Not that long ago, this was considered common wisdom, because it was easy to injure a younger puppy with the correction-based training methodology MOST people followed back then. Basically, you can’t use a choke chain or slip lead on a […]

Container Palooza Sniff N’ Go

Join us at Fur and Feather Works for a super fun sniff n’ go with containers in all sorts of weird and wonderful forms, including buried hides! We will be offering several different search areas, unexpected set ups, prizes for perfect runs, and a cute photo booth! In other words, you don’t want to miss […]

Reward-Based Dog Training Doesn’t Work For My Dog.

Have you ever thought reward-based dog training just doesn’t work for YOUR dog? A lot of people do! The thing to realize is: motivation can be complicated, and “rewards” are not always what you intended them to be. And, you need a bit of knowledge and skill to wield them properly, to maximum effect. If […]

Elite/Detective Level Nose Work Workshop with Julie Riekes

Fur and Feather Works is proud to host Julie Riekes for two, half-day Nose Work/Scent Work workshops! These will be in-person, on-location opportunities for teams working at the Elite/Detective level to hone their skills under the tutelage of a long time instructor, and an exciting opportunity for auditors to learn more about the advanced levels […]

Mindful Training for Peak Performance

Fur and Feather Works is excited to host this ONLINE seminar series on mental management, taught by Teah Anders! Who is Teah Anders, you ask? Teah Anders has been working with dogs and handlers helping them communicate and learn behaviors for the past 24 years. In addition to being one of the first instructors in […]