“Say Please” Training for Impulse Control and Manners

What is Say Please training? Say Please is a dog training program that uses the everyday things that your dog likes or wants, to reinforce a behavior such as “sit.”  Whenever you’re about to deliver something your dog wants (opening crate door, going outside, coming inside, dinner, throw a toy, getting in the car, getting […]

7 Rules for the Vet’s Office

I know, none of us like going to the vet’s office with a sick pet.  But here are some simple rules to follow that will make your trip to the vet’s office more pleasant for you, your dog, and the office staff – and that’s a win-win-win! Practice handling your dog at home. The less […]

Jumping Up to say “hi!”

This is such a common problem, and it’s one of those that is much, much easier to prevent than to repair! Why do dogs jump on people? Dogs naturally greet those they love face to face, then nose to rear. Your face is up high.  When the dog is a tiny puppy, we love this […]

Cognitive Disorders in Dogs

Normal cognitive decline or something else? It happens to all of us: as we age, our brains move a little slower, we take a little longer to solve problems, and it takes a little more effort to absorb new information.  It’s not that intelligence or problem solving capacity has decreased at all, it’s just that […]

What’s the difference between reinforcement and bribery in training?

What’s the difference between reinforcement and bribery? This comes up in training sessions ALL the time, usually brought up by someone who has been told by a well-meaning friend or professional that they are one and the same, and are now afraid that by using positive reinforcement to train they are going to “spoil” their […]