“Say Please” Training for Impulse Control and Manners

What is Say Please training? Say Please is a dog training program that uses the everyday things that your dog likes or wants, to reinforce a behavior such as “sit.”  Whenever you’re about to deliver something your dog wants (opening crate door, going outside, coming inside, dinner, throw a toy, getting in the car, getting […]

10 Tips to Teach a Loose Leash Walk

10 Tips to Help your Dog Walk on a Loose Leash 1. Match your reinforcer with the distraction level of the environment.  Your dog gets to decide what’s reinforcing and what’s not, remember?  And kibble or praise isn’t going to work to reinforce your dog’s good behavior in the big wide world! Break out the […]

How important is “heel?”

Should I make my dog heel on our walks? We’re asked all the time, out for a walk with a client and their dog, whether their dog ought not to be out front.  The dog is usually ahead of us, sniffing things and generally enjoying his walk, and the client always sounds a little chagrined […]