New Canine Respiratory Illness – what to do, and not do

Don’t panic! You may already be aware of the growing concern around an infectious respiratory disease in dogs. We at Fur and Feather Works want to make sure you have all the information so that you can make informed choices for your individual dogs. Veterinarians and animal shelters in several parts of the country, including […]

Dog Training Center Cleaning and Hygiene Protocols

Our goal is to provide a safe, sanitary, and comfortable learning environment for all dogs and humans. Here are our cleaning and hygiene protocols. Cleaning and disinfection of the floor, commonly touched surfaces, and “accidents” is done with veterinary-grade, parvocidal Rescue Disinfectants. “Accidents” are cleaned up immediately. Floors and surfaces are mopped/wiped down once a […]

Winter Magic Sniff-n-Go!

Entries for this event are now CLOSED. Join us at Fur and Feather Works for a super fun and festive sniff n’ go with 4 search areas! Each search will be beautifully decorated, and the difficulty can be modified to accommodate all skill, stamina, and experience levels – brand new and/or retired dogs are welcome! […]

Haunted Halloween Sniff-N-Go!

REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT IS NOW CLOSED. Join us at Fur and Feather Works for a super fun and spooky* sniff n’ go with two interior search areas, and a giant container search – in the dark! Each dog will be given a glow necklace so that their handler can see where they are, but […]

How to Entertain a Sick or Injured Dog

Well, shoot. Your dog is sick or injured and can’t do the usual activities that would entertain him and wear him out. Don’t panic – there are still lots of things you can do to keep his mind busy! Be sure to consult with your veterinarian, and take things easy on days when your pup […]

The Rehearsal Effect: Why your training isn’t working!

I’ve been training so much. Why isn’t it working? It’s really common that dog, cat, and parrot owners come to us having already done a lot of training with their pet, and they’re often frustrated that no matter what they try, it never seems to stick. When we hear this complaint, there is usually one […]

How to Socialize a Sick or Injured Puppy

Well, shoot. Your puppy is sick or injured and can’t attend Puppy Kindergarten class. Don’t panic – there are still lots of activities you can do to socialize and entertain him! Be sure to consult with your veterinarian, and take things easy on days when your puppy is feeling poorly. For the days when he’s […]

Dog Gear Swap Meet!

Are you a dog gear hoarder who has ended up with a whole bunch of stuff you never use? Wondering where all these collars came from? Or maybe you make dog toys or treats in your spare time? Well, boy do we have an idea for you! Fur and Feather Works is hosting a Dog […]

Elite/Detective Level Nose Work Workshop with Julie Riekes

Fur and Feather Works is proud to host Julie Riekes for two, half-day Nose Work/Scent Work workshops! These will be in-person, on-location opportunities for teams working at the Elite/Detective level to hone their skills under the tutelage of a long time instructor, and an exciting opportunity for auditors to learn more about the advanced levels […]

Mask update Feb. 2022

Hi everyone, Governor Sisolak lifted the universal mask mandate today, February 10, 2022.  While the CDC does still recommend that people wear masks when in contact with others indoors, especially in areas of high transmission (that is us at the moment), it is no longer required by law. In light of this new development, masks will be […]